Monday, March 8, 2010

creative business or business creatively?

The last few days have been interesting, for many reasons.
I've made a new friend that is nothing but trouble when we hang out (probably good for card material). The band got together to write some new music, and I really like the direction we're headed. One of my best friends yelled at me for not "doing enough with my life". My schedule at work ("evil job") which has been consistent for at least 2 years, has completely shifted around. And for some reason, I watched the Oscars, as though I give a shit.

Amidst all of that mostly disastrous or pointless week there was a shift in my focus on What The Cluck. I started to think more about the business end of things (hence this blog). That's been interesting... I'm so out of touch with pop-culture, marketing, business and especially the internet tools entrepeneurs have been using. It's a slow climb, but I think my brain is finally absorbing (or maybe letting in?) some of this information.
The major issue with this however, is I seem to not be able to focus on the creative aspect while the ol' brain is in "business mode", or as I like to say: i got my money mind on!

I need to find a happy-medium between the two. When I'm being creative, I should probably only make things that might actually sell. Look at all my card designs, trust me, I'll be the first to admit that there are some that no one would ever, ever want. They are just there because I think they are funny.

The flip side of this is that maybe I need to think of the business side creatively as well. I have no idea what this means, really. Guerilla marketing? Giant zeppelins with my logo flying low over a city near you? This is less about generating more business, and more about keeping my brain in one mode. This could get interesting... or it could be incredibly boring.

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