Wednesday, June 23, 2010

kickin' off "animals in cones!"

Alright, it's official! Animal in Cones! has officially begun! I was first approaching this project as I normally do things... nothing will reach the public's eye until the entire job is complete. Yesterday I realized that this project may very well never be complete, seeing as there are countless animals subject to coning in the world. So... I've made the very difficult decision to post these as I complete each separate one.
How does this affect you, you ask? Well... it makes these more accessible in a timely fashion. And, what are stationery connoisseurs, if not obsessed with timely fashion.

Speaking of obsession... my obsession for the day: people who are obsessed with cupcakes.
Alternate obsession of the day: the word obsession.

By the way... have you read grin and bear it yet?

Now playing: The Builders And The Butchers - In The Branches
via FoxyTunes